Disability 101

This course has been produced by a proud Disabled woman, supported by the wider Disabled community. It includes what you need to know as an individual or business in a world where 15% of people are Disabled.
Disability Scale Graphic Chairs On Wheels graphic Models Of Disability graphic Inaccessibility Cycle graphic Should I Touch Someone's Wheelchair graphic
Meet the instructor

Pixie P

Pixie is an activist, educator and content creator, condensing disability theory, access and history into easily digestible material. She holds three degrees. The first, a First Class BA (Hons) from Durham University, included Education whilst her third (MSc Computer Science with Distinction) included a dissertation on digital accessibility. Her work is used in universities and schools and is due to be published in the next edition of Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy.
Alt: Pixie sitting in a wheelchair facing the camera and smiling
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